Teleiology is the study of those meat doctrines essential for the church age believer to attain a level of spiritual maturity in his or her Christian Walk.
It is widely accepted that the process of spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. Determining to mature in the Faith in order to become a more effective Ambassador for Christ Jesus is a milestone in that spiritual growth process.
Your participation in what is offered on this site is an indicator that you have made that decision. We pray that God, The Holy Spirit, will guide your every thought and open your soul to the revelation of His Word.
(Heb.5:14) “But solid, [which in the Greek is (stereos) meaning requires growth development] food (trophe) [or nourishment] is for the mature (teleios), who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.”
The term mature in the Greek is (teleios). We have developed this Teleiology Concept, or the study of a (teleios), and have compiled those doctrines required to develop the Church Age Believer into a mature adult Christian.
As you proceed, you will find that the primary topic of study will always be introduced first. Proceeding through the associated studies you will be given the option to report your individual class progress. Completion of the Topical Study will bring you to a "Final Report Completion" page. Submitting your progress will automatically take you to the next series of studies. Reporting your progress is required to proceed.
The audio sessions are divided into sections of approximately 30 minutes each. To start a class session simply start the Audio and pull up the class notes by clicking the "SELECT" button.
All of the class study notes can either be viewed on-line or downloaded and printed, allowing you to review the class notes as you listen to the audio. We encourage you to archive these class notes developing your own Doctrinal Notebook.
REMINDER: Upon completion of each lesson you are encouraged, but not required to REPORT your progress. When you have completed an entire section of studies you MUST report your completion prior to advancing to the next doctrinal principle and its related studies.
We are here to support you in every way possible, so please REGISTER and let's get started.
Ron Adema
Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church