Course 101 - Grace Orientation

We will study six points of the first of twelve meat doctrines of teleiology called “Grace Orientation”.


In our introductory lesson, we learn that teleiology is the study of meat (solid food) doctrines essential for spiritual growth maturity of the Church Age Believer (CAB).

(Heb.5:14) “But solid (meat) food is for the mature (teleios), who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” (1 Cor.2:6-10).

The biblical concept of Grace depends completely (100%) upon the Character and Plan of God and never upon man – “The God of all grace.” (1 Pet.5:10)

God’s grace can only be freely bestowed where the judicial charges of Adam’s Original Sin (AOS) have been pardoned by faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (1 Cor.15:1-4; Rom.1:16; Acts 20:24)

(101) Grace Orientation (#1)

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    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
