
The origin of the Angelic Conflict started in eternity past with the angelic revolt of God's most beautiful creation, Lucifer (Isa.14:12-15; Ezek.28:11-19; Rev.12:1-13).


This lesson will study four aspects of the Origin of Angelic Conflict (A/C). Jesus made reference to the Angelic Conflict in our lesson text (John 16:5-11).

The Angelic Conflict (A/C) is a doctrinal term to describe the spiritual warfare between satan’s evil forces and God’s Divine Agencies in the world (Eph.6:10-20).

(Isa.14:12) “How you have fallen from heaven, o star of the morning, son of dawn! You have been cut down to earth, you who have weakened the nations”!

Angelic Conflict (Part 1) Introduction

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    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
