Course 119 - Angelic Conflict (Part 2) Lesson 2

The following three categories of Universal sin are the result of Adam's Original Sin (AOS): Imputed sin (AOS); Inherent sin (Old Sin Nature) (OSN) and Individual sin (personal sin).

* Imputed sin involves the 13 judicial charges of Adam's Original Sin (AOS) (1 Cor.15:22; Rom.5:12; 6:23; 1 Tim.1:15).

* Inherent sin involves the presence of the old sin nature (OSN) - from birth until death (flesh) (Gal.5:16-21) and the works of the flesh (Rom.7:14-25; 1 Pet.2:11-12).

* Individual sin involves the results of the presence of an old sin nature (OSN) (Rom.2:11-12; 3:19-25; 4:13-15).

This is an issue only for believers in this Angelic Conflict. It is not for unbelievers, unless they violate the law of the land (1 Pet.2:13-16.

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    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
