Spirituality - Lesson 3

We will continue to study the five aspects of Spirituality which will move you from milk to meat doctrines on Spirituality (Heb.5:13-14).

Every Church Age Believer has a dual nature. He is either carnal (sarkikos) [OSN] or spiritual (pneumatikos) [FHS] at any given moment in Christian way of life [CWL].

These two natures are mutually exclusive and in constant opposition to one another as taught in our lesson text (Gal.5:16-17; 1 Pet.2:11).

Each nature operates in the Christian Way of Life [CWL] under a different internal source by the volitional consent (personal choice) of the believer (Rom.7:14-25).

Carnality and spirituality are temporary, while the Indwelling of The Holy Spirit is permanent (John 14:16-17).

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    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
