(Gen.1:1-2) is part of a dateless eternal past while (Gen.1:3) is part of the present time line. (Gen.1:2) introduced three chaotic conditions of the Pre-Adamic earth after it’s original creation. These three conditions characterized an uninhabited earth as opposed to the original creation (Isa.14:17).
We learned that these three conditions were the results of the fall of satan in eternity past (Isa.14:12-15; Exk.28:11-17). The King James translated Morning Star of (Isa.14:12) as Lucifer (Latin) and it is a reference for satan’s fall. The fall of satan was the cause of the ANGELIC CONFLICT.
This lesson will study SEVEN aspects of the Angelic Conflict (A/C).
Ron Adema
Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church