Course 112 - Positional Truth (Part 1) Lesson 2

This lesson will study six aspects of POSITIONAL TRUTH helping us understand the importance of the phrase “In Christ” in the New Testament.

The transfer from “in Adam” to “in Christ” is referred to as (RAPT) (retroactive positional truth).

Retroactive Positional Truth (RAPT) means that every member of the human race becomes identified with the spiritual death, burial, and resurrection by faith in gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 26:18; Rom.6: 10-11; Col.1: 13;3:3; John 5:24; 1 John 3:5).

Positional Truth of “In Christ” results in 50 things in the package of grace salvation that a believer can never lose in time or eternity.

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    Ron Adema

    Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church

    Al Rosenblum

    Al Rosenblum, Associate Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church
