This lesson will study SIX aspects of the WILL OF GOD so that we can say in our daily choices, “not my will but Thine be done.”
“In our day, the word will is limited to the faculty of self-determination and the determinations themselves. Without the power of rational self-determination, we would be a mere force like electricity or magnetism or the principle of vegetable life.”(Charles Hodge, pg.146-147)
“His point is man’s free will. His consciousness of being able to make free choices is unique to man. Even if there are external circumstances which influence decisions of the will, the fact remains that we are not conscious of any compulsion which forces us to choose against our will.” (Charles Baker, pg.257)
There are three spheres of WILL on earth: God's Will, Satan's Will, and Human Will.
Ron Adema
Ron Adema, Pastor of Doctrinal Studies Bible Church